Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Week's Class Submissions

Last week's lesson focused on shutter speed and depth of field, so we had to submit four photos demonstrating these ideas. My husband was working the fair last week and we had a birthday party to attend over the weekend, so I figured those would give me opportunities to do some shooting. My submissions:

Slow Action - White County Fair Ferris Wheel
[4 second exposure; f/3.5]

Stop Action - Ethan in the Sandbox
[1/500 second; f/4.0]

Shallow DOF - J.C.'s M7
[f/2.8; 3 seconds]

Wide DOF - Little Rock National Cemetery
[f/8; 1/50 second]
Unfortunately, this is one I was less than pleased with. f/8 on my point and shoot is as closed as my aperture gets, so it's still not all in sharp focus. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the sandbox picture. Cuteness! The shallow depth is a cool shot. Looks just like the one my dad has, or at least very similar.
