Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Photography Challenges and Class Submissions

I posted this photo awhile ago, but I'm reposting it to take part in today's Simplicity photography challenge: Flowers.

I'm also submitting one of my favorites to the Aspire photography challenge: Lovely.

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

And now for this week's class submissions. Last week in class we discussed flash techniques and ISO. Our assignment was to experiment with different types of flash and to shoot in an ISO mode we'd never shot with before. Here we go:

My friend Beth, who is also taking the class, got together with me to practice. This photograph was taken using fill flash and a diffuser. She was positioned turned sideways with her back toward the sun to give direction to the light and shadows and fill flash was used to remove excessive shadowing from her face.

I posted this one a couple of days ago, also, but it was taken with fill flash. My family was positioned where they were backlit by the sun and fill flash was used to remove shadows from their faces. I also practiced with metering on this photo. I believe I took a meter reading off my hand to set the exposure for this shot.

This photo was taken in the evening at home after I had washed the freshly-picked apples and getting ready to peel and slice them for freezing. I used bounce flash with a mirror, bouncing the light off the ceiling to give a more even and natural looking lighting.

Lastly, my ISO picture. I took this with 3200 ISO, shooting inside at AWANA Sunday evening. This kid is adorable, but high energy, so I had to have a relatively high shutter speed to capture him clearly. I also used a diffuser on my flash to even out the lighting.

And just because I want to, here's another photo...this one taken by my husband. Isn't it nice? That's another picture of my fall table centerpiece. I'm diggin' the burlap.


  1. The apples are my favorite, but they are all lovely.

  2. I love the little white church.
    It reminds me of this song I know, called the
    "little white church".
    Very beautiful photography!


  3. Thanks for linking up :) These are all beautiful. Love the shot of the apples and of the church.

    Vote for your favorite from my photography challenge:
